The Gut BrainTransformation:

Overcome Anxiety, Depression and Brain Fog Without Medication.

The Gut Brain Transformation is coming February 2021! 

Join The Waitlist!

Depression, Anxiety And Brain Fog Can: 

  • Wreck Your Sleep 
  • Rob You of Joy 
  • Impact Your Most Important Relationships 
  • Harm Your Career 
  • Affect Your Day-to-Day Decisions 
  • Take Up Your Time And Energy 
  • Steal Your Dreams And Even Ruin Your Life... 

You know you want to get better.

Maybe you’ve tried medication, therapy, supplements, books, searching the internet….and maybe some things have even helped some, but you still feel stuck.  You are still struggling, and wondering if this is how it’s going to be for the rest of your life.

Life is too short and precious to stay stuck with symptoms.


You can feel better, and you deserve to. 

It’s easy to chalk up symptoms to everything that’s going on in the world right now.

BUT in my years of working with patients with anxiety, depression, and brain fog, 

I’ve seen there are ALWAYS biological causes that PREDISPOSE you to symptoms, which can show up or worsen in tough times. 


I’m Dr. Tracy McCarthy, Board Certified Psychiatrist turned Functional Medicine physician.


I have the joy of seeing my patients achieve freedom from their symptoms when these underlying causes are identified and addressed, and their gut-brain connection is HEALED.

They sleep well again, they have joy in their lives, they can live life on their terms and achieve their goals. 

And so many physical symptoms, that they thought were unrelated, clear up too because their overall health is transformed!

And for many, the best part is they do this without the frustrating side effects or risks of addiction from medication.

For several years, I’ve dreamed of being able to help more people than I can see in my practice, and now I’m so pleased to bring you my online program, The Gut Brain Transformation: Overcome Anxiety, Depression, and Brain Fog Without Medication.

This program is the distillation of what I’ve seen be most effective for my patients from my years of practice.  This is the foundation of what I guide my patients through, but at a fraction of the cost of investing in one on one work.